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SUNDAY December 22nd, 9:30AM
Service followed by lunch, bring a plate to share
No services 25th December, Sunday 29th December
Returning SUNDAY JANUARY 5TH, 9:30AM
Our story
Our story starts in 1950 in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane with pioneers from the denomination known as Apostolic Church in Australia.
We are becoming a multi-generational and multi-cultural community of Christ followers who extend God’s kingdom in multiple locations throughout Queensland.
Our church locations are led by a group of seven men and women called ‘the eldership team’ which includes Gary and Nikki Rucci who are responsible for the leadership and vision of the church.
OUR programs
We provide programs for kids, youth and opportunities to connect with friends midweek.
What we believe
We believe in GOD as revealed in the Bible. We believe the Bible to be God’s infallible truth. God exists eternally as three equally divine Persons, as one true God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the creator and sustainer of everything. He created humanity for relationship with Him. That relationship was broken because of the first man, Adam’s disobedience. His sin brought death into the world, both physical and spiritual. Sin separated us from God and broke our relationships with others. But God sent His son Jesus to become a man, live a perfect life, and offer Himself as a sacrifice for our sins. By placing our faith in Jesus we can become right with God and by God’s grace enter into relationship with Him. Those who believe this become part of His global movement called the Church. His church has been given a mission to make disciples of all nations. As Christ followers we live our lives as an act of worship. We seek to love others like Jesus loves us, and to share His truth with grace and wisdom. All who believe in Him will spend eternity with Him.
the man
Jesus was born more than 2000 years ago in Bethlehem just south of Jerusalem. He was no ordinary man. He was totally human and totally devine. He was conceived by Holy Spirit and born to a teenage virgin. He was a carpenter like his earthly dad and studied the ancient scriptures. From the age of 30 like most Rabbis, He began to teach and preach about God’s Kingdom. Jesus performed miracles like no other. He preached messages that amazed the religious leaders. He proved He was God by His words, His actions and His resurrection.
Here’s what’s coming up at Rivercity….
pray for me
We believe God answers prayer. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from. It doesn’t matter if you go to church or struggle to truly believe in God. He hears your prayers and wants to answer them.