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Coronavirus Update

Our physical gatherings are suspended until restrictions are lifted and Government advises we are permitted to recommence.  In the meantime, we continue to ‘meet’ on Facebook and YouTube each Sunday, and on Tuesday night for Equip discipleship training. Keep checking for updates on what’s coming up.

While some restrictions are being eased, and we are able to move about a little more, let’s still be vigilant in looking out for one another.

Here are some things we encourage you to be doing:

Phone a Friend! – We encourage you to practice the ‘one another’ principles of scripture. We are family and its times like these, that draw us together. Let’s all demonstrate our genuine desire to be like Christ.

Shepherd your Street – We are also encouraging you, where possible to demonstrate the love of Christ to your neighbours in practical ways. Without violating health guidelines, please consider how you may assist those in your street. Attached is a practical tool that you can print and place in the letterboxes in your neighbourhood. Be careful not to promise things you can’t do. Feel free to design and print your own card.

Pray with us – We encourage you to join the Rivercity PrayerNet. This is a WhatsApp group that we are using to run a virtual prayer meeting all day, every day. This is not a time to be complacent about prayer. God wants to pour out His Spirit upon Australia. To join PrayerNet, email

Ekklesia – Where possible, and only if you healthy and are not self-isolating, consider gathering with two or three friends for a meal, bible study, pastoral care and prayer. Make sure you are abiding by health guidelines and directives.

Stay Connected –  keep an eye on your email, the website and social media for up to date information and services.

Stay Healthy – There are numerous guidelines we have been asked to follow including; washing your hands regularly with soap and water, cleaning high touch surfaces, social distancing, refraining from social gatherings and public places and self-isolating if you are sick or at risk.

Faith versus Fear – Crisis creates uncertainty, confusion and fear. We are Christ followers who are called to ‘faith the facts’. Believing and applying God’s Word to everyday life. Claiming His promises in the midst of crisis. Do not be afraid. God is in control. He is Your Healer and Provider. Let faith overcome your fear. Your faith can influence those who do not know the hope, peace and reassurance that comes from knowing Christ. Shine bright!